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IHRR Co-Director, Professor David Toll, awarded prestigious prize by Institution of Civil Engineers

[10/24] Professor David Toll has been awarded the Telford Premium Prize from the Institution of Civil Engineers for his co-authored paper “Heritage building information modelling: a case study of Kasthamandap, Nepal”.
Left: Saptabidhanottar, puja and prayer ceremony held to reanimate the site once post-earthquake work had been completed in December 2016. Right: Award being presented to Professor Toll (left) and Henry Paremain (right) by ICE president Professor Anusha Shah (centre)

Natural Hazards Demonstrations for Secondary School Teachers Workshop: Durham University IHRR and University of the Philippines UPRI

[09/24] IHRR Director Bruce Malamud led a workshop in partnership with the University of the Philippines Resilience Institute (UPRI) and UP National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development (NISMED).
A large group of people in front of a screen

Grant success - 'Integrating Disaster Preparedness into the Transportation Engineering Curriculum for Indian Himalayas'

[09/24] Dr Ellen Robson and Professor David Toll have been awarded the British Council’s £30,000 Industry Academia Collaborative Grant for a project to improve the resilience of roads in the Himalayan region of India by integrating disaster preparedness into transportation engineering education.
A rocky, muddy road in Nepal, with a bus driving up

Looking Back to Look Forward in Ukraine

[09/24] Dr Ruszczyk is Co-Investigator of the ‘Looking Back to Look Forward: History, Recovery, and Sustainability in Understanding the War in Ukraine on a Global Scale’ project.
Looking Back to Look Forward in Ukraine poster

Forging Resilient Partnerships: Durham University IHRR and UP Resilience Institute

[09/24] IHRR Director Professor Bruce D Malamud visited the University of the Philippines (UP) to discuss a Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutes
Pierre Pecson, Bruce Malamud, Richard Ybañez, Alfredo Mahar Francisco Lagmay, & Kristina Marie Sablayan

UPRI Lecture - Exploring Hazard Interrelationships and Dynamic Risk Scenarios

[09/24] IHRR Director Professor Bruce D Malamud gave a lecture at the National Institute of Geological Sciences (NIGS) 2024 Lecture Series on the complex interplay between different natural hazards
Bruce Malamud presenting in front of a group

Building an inclusive research environment

[09/24] Sharing lessons-learned from running an interdisciplinary and bilingual workshop
A photo of sediment cascades group discussing, and a diagram for collaboration and empowerment

Dr Harries speaks at British Society for Geomorphology Annual Conference

[09/24] Dr Harries spoke at British Society for Geomorphology conference on catastrophic sediment transport
Rio Teno in Chile following a major flood. The river is wide and full of sediment

Gender and Caste in the Overlooked City

[09/24] Dr Hanna Ruszczyk discussed the intersection of caste and gender in cities at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference.

IHRR hosts visitors from Tribhuvan University, Nepal, for research on road slope policy guidelines

[08/24] The Institute for Hazard, Risk, and Resilience (IHRR) was delighted to welcome Tunisha Gyawali, Prajwal Timsina, and Dr. Bhim Kumar Dahal from the Institute of Engineering (IoE), Tribhuvan University, Nepal, for collaborative research.
Picutre of Abhiparna Dasgupta, Prajwal Timsina, Tunisha Gyawali, Ellen Robson & David Toll, and picture of Prajwal Timsina, Ellen Robson, Tunisha Gyawali & Bhim Dahal

New article on deterioration of road infrastructure in Tanzania when subject to cycles of wetting and drying

[08/24] Professor David Toll, IHRR Co-Director, is co-author of “Deterioration of a compacted soil due to suction loss and desiccation cracking” published in the Canadian Geotechnical Journal.
Triaxial setup used at Durham University for testing the Tanzanian soil

Humanities and Social Sciences, The British Academy and IHRR

[07/24] Dr Ruszczyk of The Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience (IHRR) speaks at the 122nd AGM of the British Academy
A screen showing the