DEI Books and major publications
Major publications and books by Durham Energy Institute Directors and Fellows.
DEI major publications
Coal in the North-East Then and Now: A Cabinet of Curiosities
A 'Cabinet of Curiosities' which contains assorted elements that connect through north-east heritage
Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Smart Energy Systems
This book provides a timely and comprehensive guide to the convergence of transformative technologies Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain in the energy system.
Renewable Energy Law
This is the first textbook to support course development and teaching on renewable energy law as an area of legal education.
Decarbonising Pathways for African Cities
This book examines the pathways to decarbonising African cities, structured around strategies and applications in renewable energy, waste management and many other topics
Decarbonising Electricity Made Simple
This book assesses how low-carbon generation, the advance of energy storage and consumer-based models can help decarbonise electricity supplies at a national level.
Energy Futures: Anthropocene Challenges, Emerging Technologies and Everyday Life
Energy Futures proposes and demonstrates a new critical and interventional futures-oriented energy anthropology.
Ethnographies of Power
Ethnographies of Power brings together ethnographic studies of contemporary entanglements of energy and political power.
Internet of Energy for Smart Cities
The focus of this book is on using the machine learning approaches to present various solutions for IoE network in smart cities to solve various research gaps.
Perspective on an Energy System after a Decline in Fossil Fuel Use
The chapter also provides a critical assessment of energy storage to provide near complete decarbonisation of homes, commercial buildings and islands.
Introducing Sedimentology
This book covers all of the rudimentary aspects of sedimentology, including different types of sedimentary rocks, sedimentary structures, and environments of deposition.
Sedimentary Petrology
Sedimentary Petrology provides readers with a concise account of sedimentary rock composition, mineralogy, texture, structure, diagenesis, and depositional environments.
UK Wind Energy Technologies
UK Wind Energy Technologies gives a comprehensive overview of the range of wind energy research undertaken in the UK by the EPSRC SUPERGEN Wind programme.
Electrifying Anthropology: : Exploring Electrical Practices and Infrastructures.
This book re-describes electricity and its infrastructures using insights from anthropology and science and technology studies.
Back to the Post-Industrial Future: An Ethnography of Germany's Fastest-Shrinking City
How does an urban community come to terms with the loss of its future? The case of postindustrial Hoyerswerda, Germany’s ‘fastest shrinking city’
Energy and Society: A Critical Perspective
The first major text to provide an extensive critical treatment of energy issues informed by recent research on energy in the social sciences.
Sociology of Interdisciplinarity: The Dynamics of Energy Research
A detailed examination of the conception of interdisciplinary energy research, producing fresh insights into the actual content of interdisciplinarity