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Recent videos from the DEI

This is a series of videos involving our Directors, Fellows and Professors in Practice

Energi Coast Offshore Wind Cluster release new film featuring Prof Simon Hogg

Energi Coast have launched a new film to showcase the strengths of North East England in Offshore Wind, featuring DEIs Prof Simon Hogg, Energi Coast Innovation Lead
Thumbnail for Energi Coast

DEI @ COP26 highlighting the importance of focusing on Decarbonising Heating

DEI and its partners have launched a campaign at COP26 Green Zone in Glasgow on 11th November 2021 to highlight the importance of innovations for decarbonising
Front cover of Decarbonising Heat publication

Our COP26 Playlist on YouTube

Interested in COP26? Take a look at our COP26 playlist on YouTube
COP26 world logo

Making Waves: The Future of Shipping - features the work of Professor Tony Roskilly and Dr Janie Ling-Chin

A video released by EPSRC entitled "Making Waves - the future of Shipping", explores the future potential and investment needs of hydrogen in the maritime sector.
Image of Tony Roskilly DEI in EPSRC film Making Waves the Future of Shipping

Jon Gluyas gives Oral evidence to Parliamentary Select Committee on Hydrogen Storage

Professor Jon Gluyas was invited by the UK Parliament House of Commons Science and Technology Committee to provide evidence on Hydrogen Storage
London and Houses of Parliament

Videos of DEI 3 Minute Thesis competition - April 2021

The winning 3MT presentation from april 2021 by Masters student Georgina on the subject of Virtual Power Plants and their role in avoiding an energy crisis
Thumbnail for 3MT

DEI Free Piston Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Technology

A new video showcasing the innovative technology developed at Durham Energy Institute by Professor Tony Roskilly and Dr Sumit Roy as a part of their Innovate UK project
Thumbnail for Free Piston Engine CHP

DEI Celebrates International Women & Girls in Science Day

On 11th February 2021, 181 school pupils and teachers joined DEI and our Energy Centre of Doctoral Training to celebrate International Women and Girls in Science day
Image of panellists at event International Women and Girls in Science

The video of DEI - CESI research webinar on Integrated Zero-Carbon Hub

How in an integrated & symbiotic system, hydrogen can deliver distributed heat, cooling and electricity in residential, industrial & commercial settings
Banner showing different energy sources in a hexagonal grid to depict energy systems integration