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Andy Smallbone presents Industrial CCS in Global Energy Association Ten breakthrough energy ideas report

DEI Fellow Andy Smallbone invited to present one of 10 most promising groundbreaking energy technologies of decade in The Global Energy Association report published at the Petersburg International Economic Forum.
Image of online interview of Dr Andrew Smallbone and Global Energy

Counting down to the COP26 climate change summit

Welcome to the first in our monthly ‘Countdown to COP’ series, where we will be exploring climate change research, events and expertise across our University ahead of the next COP climate change summit in November.
Wind turbines against a blue sky reflected in ground water

DEI wins funding for geothermal and solar heat project in national drive to decarbonise heating and cooling

A Durham Energy Institute project exploring whether water from abandoned mines could be used to heat the UK’s homes is among 11 new projects being announced today by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) in a drive to decarbonise the heating and cooling of buildings.
Drilling for Geothermal energy at Louisa Centre Stanley

MARLIN Star project showcased by Innovate UK for G7 summit

Our Marlin Star project Frontier Technical is one of 8 case studies chosen for the Innovate UK EDGE G7 SERIES showcase.
Floating platform for renewable energy Frontier Technical

Durham leads Teesside Academic Cluster as part of new Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre

The Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre (IDRIC) has today, Monday, 24 May, received £20m from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Research and Innovation Centre as part of the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund programme to decarbonise the industrial sector. Durham Energy Institute researchers are involved in three of the projects funded for the first phase of IDRIC activity.
A thermal power plant in Latvia at night

New R&D collaboration to research novel borehole solution for monitoring CCS storage sites

The Durham University led Geoptic has signed an R&D collaboration agreement with CGG to jointly research and assess a novel borehole solution for monitoring the spread of CO2 in subsurface storage sites for Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS).
Cosmic Ray Cosmo Simulation

Jon Gluyas gives Oral evidence to Parliamentary Select Committee on Hydrogen Storage

Professor Jon Gluyas was invited by the UK Parliament House of Commons Science and Technology Committee to provide evidence on Hydrogen Storage for their inquiry into The role of Hydrogen in achieving Net Zero.
London and Houses of Parliament

Joanna Berry interviewed by Power Technology on EU energy policy

DEI Director Joanna Berry interviewed for Power Technology Magazine analysis article 'EU energy policy: world-leading, insufficient, or both?'
EU flag

Green Light for Innovative Energy Scheme in South Tyneside

Abandoned coal mines in South Tyneside are set to create a ground-breaking renewable energy scheme which will cut annual carbon dioxide emissions by hundreds of tonnes.
Visual schematic of how a Geothermal Minewater system works

Ian Ritchey appointed Honorary Professor at Durham University

DEI is delighted to announce the appointment of Ian Ritchey as Honorary Professor in the Department of Engineering in association with Durham Energy Institute. Ian was formerly Group Chief Engineer at Rolls-Royce, and has a distinguished track record and extensive network of contacts in the Aerospace, Defence, Marine and Energy sectors. He is currently a Non-Executive Director at Tekmar Group, and an advisor to several engineering and technology businesses.
Image of Ian Ritchey

DEI Podcast: Interview with Andrew Price, Business Development Manager, Clean Power Research

DEI Director Dr Joanna Berry speaks with Durham MBA graduate, Andrew Price. Following his MBA Andrew worked for Nissan Europe on their Electric Vehicle deployment and now works at Clean Power Research.
DEI Diaries podcast series

Videos of DEI 3 Minute Thesis competition

The student presentations for DEI's 3 Minute Thesis competition 2021 are now available to view on our Youtube channel including the winning entry by Masters student Georgina Hatch for her presentation on 'Virtual Power Plants and their role in avoiding an energy crisis'.
3 Minute Thesis competition DEI, NEIMME