Hydrogen Transport
Dr Ling-Chin’s seminar will present an overview on relevant technologies and issues that challenge the supply and use of hydrogen for transportation.
COP26 Event Series Logo
Energy Transition & Clean Road Transport
June 2021
Brought to you by Durham Energy Institute, the month of June covers two of the five priorities from the UN Climate Change Conference in 2021; Energy Transition and Clean Road Transport.
Durham academics and industry partners will provide a series of seminars and panel events looking at current research to support the global transition to Net Zero and the domestic decision to move away from thermal vehicles in 2035.
In the UK, approximately 126 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent was released by the transport sector in 2018 (i.e. about 28% of the total greenhouse gas emissions of that year) [1], making the sector the largest greenhouse gas emitter.
To mitigate this and move towards net-zero emissions by 2050, hydrogen fuelled transportation has been explored through research and development as well as trials. The supply and potential use of hydrogen for transportation include hydrogen production (and purification if required), storage, distribution, refuelling, and potential application for individual modes.
This seminar will present an overview on relevant technologies and issues that challenge the supply and use of hydrogen for transportation.
[1] 2018 UK Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Provisional Figures. Statistical Release: National Statistics (https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/790626/2018-provisional-emissions-statistics-report.pdf)
Dr Janie Ling-Chin (Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering, Durham University)
Dr Ling-Chin is Researcher Co-Investigator of EPSRC-funded networks, 'A Network for Hydrogen-fuelled Transportation' and 'A Network for Heating and Cooling Research to Enable a Net-Zero Carbon Future'. Her research focuses on life cycle assessment, thermal management, CCUS, and health index of electrical energy storage.
Register here.