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The latest Wolfson Newsletter (Issue 65) is out now

The latest Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing Newsletter should be arriving in your inbox this morning.

The latest Wolfson Newsletter (Issue 64) is out now

The latest Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing Newsletter should be arriving in your inbox this morning.
Two people stood outside the Wolfson Research Institute

Wolfson Newsletter 75 - out now

The latest Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing Newsletter should be arriving in your inbox this morning.

Pain Academy News - Akari Therapeutics Adds Histamine Inhibitor Votucalis to Pipeline to treat Neuropathic Pain and Dermatological Disease

Building on the positive clinical and safety data from its lead drug nomacopan, Akari is developing a second related therapeutic candidate (votucalis) focusing on new clinical targets. Votucalis captures histamine and thereby has the unique potential to prevent activation of all four histamine G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) which can induce diverse pathophysiological processes, including chronic pain, itch and inflammation.

Footsteps Festival 2021 - Pain Academy events

Welcome to Footsteps Festival 2021, a year-long celebration of living well with pain. Developed by people who live with pain, academics and professionals in pain management, Footsteps Festival takes a creative approach to living well with persistent pain.

Pain Academy Event - Durham Parkinsons Community Picnic - 23rd June 2021

Another Community event which we are planning at the moment (with Katie Binks and Durham Parkinsons UK branch)
a picnic