8 December 2021 - 8 December 2021
10:00AM - 11:00AM
Online via zoom
This event will showcase a flavour of the PGR work on physical activity across the Sport and Exercise Sciences and Anthropology departments, in relation to the Wolfson Research Institute’s ‘Physical Activity Cross-Cutting Theme’ and its interdisciplinary approach.
Feet walking up steps
Physical activity is understood here as not just a singular or individual activity, but as a practice that often intersects with other activities and interests. The researchers will draw on their work with gardening, volunteering, and youth groups to understand physical activity as a creative, communal, and potentially political practice, and explore the associated implications for health.
This event is for Durham University staff and students only.
To attend this event virtually, the zoom link is:
Meeting ID: 989 5219 0230 Passcode: 364722