30 June 2023 - 30 June 2023
1:00PM - 5:00PM
Lindisfarne Centre, Durham City
Long-term pain from whatever reasons affects over 14 million people throughout the UK. Reliance on medication, including opioids, is the mainstay of management and is proving harmful to health for many. The overall aim of the GOTT 10-footsteps to live well with pain self-management project is to equip healthcare staff and other practitioners such as social prescribers who work to support people with persistent pain at a foundational level with fundamental knowledge and skills.
Unmasking Pain
We specifically train staff to understand and explain the nature of persistent pain and to introduce and support targeted self-management strategies based on individualised, person-centred care planning. Uniquely, we co-deliver with Lived Experience Trainers (LETs) our co-designed online 10-FOOTSTEPS to live well with pain training package, accredited in 2022 by the Personalised Care Institute (PCI).
We have launched the new iteration of the www.livewellwithpain.co.uk website, with enhanced interactive elements and social Prescribing zone, based on postcode.
In terms of social prescribing, our Unmasking Pain project is a unique creative collaboration between artists, scientists, people living with on-going pain and pain management specialists to explore the shared challenges of living with pain. It seeks to find a voice for those living with pain through artistic collaboration, the artist and the artform and trial different creative approaches to support those living with pain to gain a sense of identity beyond their all-encompassing pain. It is a co-production between the worlds of arts, health, medicine and therapies. It brings together people with lived experience of chronic pain, carers, GPs, physiotherapists, academic science researchers and artists. With access to a range of arts practitioners working with movement and dance, mask-making, puppet creation, clay sculpture and music, participants have discovered creative ways to explore life and live well despite their pain.
There are a number of features of the training and its further development that will support the upskilling of workforces in providing self-management support which will lead to reduced health inequalities and primary prevention of debilitating chronic pain (Unmasking Pain - YouTube).
This event will celebrate the huge success of the complementary GOTT 10-Footsteps and Unmasking pain programmes and their roll out across the UK. These programmes won the AHSN Bright Ideas in Health Education award (2021) and the Fuse Health award for Innovative and Creative Communications Initiative (2023).