See below for our list of upcoming research seminars.
(Please also see our Power in the Church of England webinar series, recorded in 2023-2024.)
This term’s programme is a mixture of in-person and online-only events. Please check each event for details.
Wednesday 29 January, 2025, 4.00-5.30 pm
Revd Dr Kathy Grieb, Director of the Center for Anglican Communion Studies and Professor of Biblical Interpretation and New Testament at Virginia Theological Seminary.
Title: Richard Hooker as Pastor, Preacher, and Practical Theologian
This paper will explore this less well-known side of Richard Hooker and attempt to show how some of his formal theological convictions were expressed in the practical setting of a country church.
Online only:
Wednesday 26 February, 2025, 4.00-5.30 pm
Dr Paulo Ueti, Theological Adviser and Latin American Regional Director for the Anglican Alliance (supporting advocacy, aid and development across the Anglican Communion) and adviser for episcopal ministry in the Anglican Communion.
Title: John 2:1-10 - Community as a place of transformation - diakonia and joy: ecclesiological debate at the end of first century CE
Online only:
Wednesday, 12 March, 2025, 4.00-5.30 pm
Revd Dr Alison Walker, Ludlow Lead Tutor, Ripon College, Cuddesdon.
Title: Church of England, Place and Willie James Jennings
Hybrid event, venue TBC. Email, if you need the online link.
Wednesday, 19 March, 2025, 4.00-5.30 pm
Revd Ryan Bennett, SSM, Australian Province, Final year PhD candidate in Divinity at the University of Edinburgh, research area: The rise of the Christian Socialist Movement in the twentieth century in the United Kingdom and United States respectively, with particular attention on Archbishop William Temple and Dorothy Day.
Title: Embodied Theology: A study of the Incarnational Theology of Archbishop William Temple and Servant of God, Dorothy Day, with reference to the influence of Fr. Herbert Kelly, SSM.
In-person only at St Antony’s Priory, 74 Claypath, Durham, DH1 1QT.
Wednesday 6 November, 2024
Dr Sam Tranter (Cranmer Hall, Durham University), The Prayer Book Society Conference.
Online only.
Wednesday 4 December 2024
Book Launch: Ian Collins: Blythe Spirit: Blythe Spirit: The Remarkable Life of Ronald Blythe, John Murray, 2024. Ian Collins is an award-winning writer and curator. He was a friend of Ronald Blythe for 35 years, and latterly his carer, executor and biographer.
Respondents: Revd Dr Angela Tilby and Very Revd Dr Frances E F Ward. Excerpts read by David Holt.
For further information about seminars and events at the Michael Ramsey Centre, please contact Dr Scholastica Jacob on