25 October 2023 - 25 October 2023
4:00PM - 5:30PM
Room TH107, Abbey House, Palace Green, Durham, DH1 3RS (and online)
Free to attend (all welcome)
Join us in person or online for a seminar with Durham University chaplain Revd Rebecca Amoroso, reflecting on her experience as a prison chaplain, in a wider context of the challenges and opportunities for Anglican ministry in our prison system.
Revd Rebecca Amoroso
BA, BA, MA - Tutor, Spirituality and Discipleship
Rebecca is the Hill Colleges’ Chaplain at Durham University, based at Collingwood, Grey, Trevelyan and Van Mildert Colleges. Before this, she was Community Chaplain at South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS, and Anglican Chaplain for HMP Durham and HMPYOI Deerbolt. Prior to ordination, Rebecca was an English teacher in Spain, Germany, and at home in the North East. She loves poetry and old manuscripts. Rebecca’s particular interests include Anglican Religious Communities and Interfaith Dialogue. She is an animal lover, and a beekeeper