Boundaries, Borders and Peace-building in Southern Africa: The Spatial Implications of the 'African Renaissance'
Author: Richard Griggs
Border and boundary problems have enormous implications for peace-building and demilitarisation in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). On one hand, secessionist movements, conflicting state claims to territory, ethnic claims to state powers and territories, and the illegal movement of people and goods bring instability and conflict to the region. On the other hand, the spatial plans associated with the concept of an African Renaissance propose opportunities for building stability, peace and prosperity through regionalisation, cooperative management of resources and transport corridors that link Southern African economies.
This briefing uses geographic analysis and maps to assess the potential of the African Renaissance to provide peaceful solutions to boundary problems affecting the SADC region.
Series | Year | Region/Theme | Boundary | Pages |
Boundary & Territory Briefings | 2000 | Africa | South Africa Enclaves | 30 |
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