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Institute Directors 

Professor Bruce Malamud 

Director & Wilson Chair of Hazard and Risk

Bruce joined Durham University on 1 March 2023, as the Wilson Chair of Hazard and Risk, and the Executive Director of the Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience (IHRR),Durham University.  Bruce is also affiliated with the Geography Department. His research focuses on multi-hazard interrelationships along with single hazard research in landslides, earthquakes, floods and wildfires. Research sub themes include anthropogenic processes, invasive species, time-series analyses, mathematical models, visualisation, complexity, confronting models with data, and communicating science.

Dr Sim Reaney


Sim’s research is centred on the movement of water through the landscape and the representation of these hydrological processes within both simulation models and geospatial analysis. His work includes the impact of diffuse pollution from the landscape on water quality, catchment hydrological processes and working with natural processes approaches to flood risk management. The connection between these different areas of work is the concept of hydrological connectivity. The testing and representation of how different parts of the landscape connect via hydrological pathways is key to the understanding of these different environmental pressures.










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