[09/24] IHRR Director Bruce Malamud led a workshop in partnership with the University of the Philippines Resilience Institute (UPRI) and UP National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development (NISMED).
The Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience (IHRR) Director Professor Bruce D Malamud recently co-delivered a one-day Natural Hazards Demonstrations and Activities for Secondary School Teaching Workshop, at the University of the Philippines (UP) NISMED Auditorium. The workshop equipped 52 secondary school teachers with hands-on demonstrations to effectively illustrate natural hazard processes—including earthquakes, flooding, storm surges, landslides, and tropical cyclones.
The workshop was co-produced between IHRR, UPRI and NISMED. Demonstrations and hands-on activities showed these experiential learning concepts using accessible, low-cost and recycled materials such as toy houses, shoe boxes and styrofoam, which could be easily replicated in schools. Participants were also provided with supplementary resources including information pages and activity sheets to help with lesson preparation.
Many of the demonstrations were based on similar secondary-school teacher focussed workshops that Bruce has done in the UK, Malawi, Zambia, Türkiye and Austria.
By equipping teachers with the tools and strategies to effectively communicate hydrometeorological and geological processes, future generations of students will be better informed and more resilient in the face of natural hazards.
You can read more (including many photographs) on the UPRI website.
You can keep up to date with the UPRI on their Facebook page.
Photo credit: University of the Philippines Resilience Institute 2024