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Giving graduates the employability edge

Durham graduates are some of the most sought after, offering a range of knowledge, skills and experience developed by excellent teaching, internationally rated research and a wealth of opportunities outside the traditional curriculum.

Satellite-aided technologies research project secures UKRI interdisciplinary scheme funding

A project, led by Professor Hongjian Sun in our Department of Engineering, has secured funding from the first round of UK Research and Innovation’s new cross research council responsive mode (CRCRM) scheme.
A round satellite dish attached to a tiled roof

Durham Law School alumni return to share expertise at Summer School

Durham Law School recently hosted its third annual International Arbitration Summer School.
a group of people outside Durham Law School

Our summer of sport successes continues

Our students, staff and alumni continue to represent Durham at international levels across the sporting spectrum this summer. From competing in the Olympic Games in Paris, the World Rowing Championships in Canada, and the Paralympic Games, our record year for sport shows no signs of slowing.

New international study sheds light on why autistic people engage with hate forums

A new study, involving our Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences, has revealed that autistic individuals’ involvement in hate forums is more complex than previously thought.
An image of a group of people with one excluded from the group

Misconceptions about dyslexia among professionals risk children being misdiagnosed

Our education experts have found that misconceptions about dyslexia are held by professionals who assess children for the learning difficulty.
A young girl reading a book whilst following the words with her fingers on the page.

Durham is part of the Northern Eye - the new cryo electron microscope facility in the North East of England

We along with Newcastle University and Northumbria University have been awarded a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) ALERT grant to acquire a powerful new cryo-electron microscope (cryoEM).
Structure of a protein-DNA complex

Durham is a Sustainability Institution of the Year finalist in Green Gown Awards 2024

We have been shortlisted as a finalist for the Sustainability Institution of the Year category award in this year's UK & Ireland Green Gown Awards for our project entitled Turning Sustainability Ambition into Action, which recognises our continued efforts to deliver on our sustainability ambition.
A close up of a flower garden

Government Minister visits Ukraine summer camp

The UK’s Higher Education Minister has visited our campus to show her support for an education and recreation summer camp for Ukrainian young people.
Two women and a man standing behind a science desk, watching two young women point tuning forks at plastic tubes on a table

International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition: The American slave who helped found Los Angeles

International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition is held on 23 August every year to recognise the anniversary of the day enslaved people on the island of Saint Domingue revolted against French colonial rule. Dr Kevin Waite, from our department of History, has carried out much research into slavery and explains the incredible story of Biddy Mason, an American who overcame enslavement to help found Los Angeles.
A head and shoulders image of Biddy Mason in black and white

Celebrating the Success of Durham’s 2024 Fulbrighters

This summer we celebrated the phenomenal success of three Durham scholars who have just been awarded a prestigious Fubright Scholarship to continue their studies and research at universities across the USA.
Our Fulbright scholars Fusako Innami, Amy Campbell and Mattie Denison with Professor Arlene Holmes-Henderson

Events and activities during summer and beyond

The school summer holidays may be coming to an end, but there are still lots of events and activities available for people of all ages here at Durham University attractions in the weeks ahead.
Woman child crouching behind mushroom sculpture