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Meet Dr Andy Allan from our Department of Mathematical Sciences

Get to know Dr Andy Allan from our Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Picture of Dr Andy Allan

New Sir Harry Evans Global Fellow in Investigative Journalism announced

Rosa Furneaux has been awarded the 2024 Sir Harry Evans Global Fellowship in Investigative Journalism, a landmark partnership among Reuters, Durham University and Tina Brown CBE, award-winning journalist and widow of acclaimed newspaper editor Sir Harry Evans.
A headshot of Rosa Furneaux, the 2024 Sir Harry Evans Global Fellow in Investigative Journalism

Combating Covid-19 with our Computer Science research

Ground-breaking research carried out at our Computer Science Department has helped Government and other organisations to curb the spread of Covid-19. Our scientists and students are conducting pioneering research making a direct impact in the real-world.
Covid-19 cell

Driving prosperity in our region

Durham University is playing a key role in driving prosperity in North East England, through a strategy tailored to the unique nature of our city, county and region.
Five people sitting behind a table, with the man on the front right addressing an off-picture audience

Lumiere is back to light up Durham

Lumiere is set to transform Durham into a spectacular outdoor gallery of light installations from 16 – 19 November. As a key partner, we are excited to once again light up the city.
Lumiere installation at St Mary's College 2021

Defining what makes the best virtual first impression

A new study by psychologists at Durham has found the answers to creating the best first impression in a virtual meeting, such as Teams or Zoom, is a visual background of house plants and books.
Image contains three people pictured against three backgrounds, including a man with a background of books, a woman with a background of house plants and a man with a background of a walrus

New students celebrate officially joining Durham University

Matriculation ceremonies are held annually to welcome new students to the University.
Students filing into the Cathedral in gowns

Professor Graham Towl appointed to key crime reduction role

Professor Graham Towl has been appointed as the new chair of the Scottish Advisory Panel on Offender Rehabilitation (SAPOR) which is a key role to help reduce crime in Scotland.
Graham Towl leaning against a fence

Probability in our Mathematical Sciences

Probability is one of the research groups within our Department of Mathematical Sciences. The group is actively involved in research in many areas of probability and its applications.
Graph on an ipad

New simulations shed light on origins of Saturn’s rings and icy Moons 

A new series of supercomputer simulations has offered an answer to the mystery of the origins of Saturn’s rings - one that involves a massive collision in the recent history of the 4.5 billion year old Solar System.
A simulation of an impact between two icy moons in orbit around Saturn, ejecting debris that could evolve into the planet's iconic and remarkably young rings

My Durham Story - Owen Bell

We caught up with Owen Bell who graduated from our department of Mathematical Sciences last year.
Picture of maths graduate Owen Bell

Historic double murder inspires French novel

A literary fiction novel inspired by a real-life double murder in 1930s France has been published by Professor Catherine Dousteyssier-Khoze from our School of Modern Languages and Cultures.
Professor Catherine Dousteyssier-Khoze from our School of Modern Languages and Cultures