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Number 1 British Team Sport University since 2013
50 Capped internationals supported per year
17 Student performance programmes
450+ Student leaders


Our performance starts with our coaches and it extends to our world-class facilities, but it's more than that.

It's the services we provide through our Performance Athlete Support Programme:

  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Sports Psychology
  • Medical and Rehabilitation Support
  • Performance Analysis
  • Leadership training and mentoring

It's about the scholarship opportunities available to help you:

  • Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship
  • Weldon-le-Huray Scholarship
  • Palatinate Scholarship
  • Racecourse Scholarship

More than anything it's about our commitment to support you to be the best that you can be.

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eam Durham Student Athlete Code of Conduct


In line with the Durham University Student Pledge and the University’s core values, students are expected to treat all members of the community with respect including their peers, staff, visitors to the University and members of the local community. In particular, the University’s disciplinary jurisdiction over students’ conduct is not limited to University premises or solely within term-time. This means, for example, that behaviour off campus and during vacations, weekends, evenings, on placements, training camps, competition and field trips may be taken into consideration. It also means that behaviour in a social setting (for example in residences, or on social media) may have consequences whether or not it takes place during normal University operating hours.

In light of the above, student athletes should appreciate that they are amongst the most visible and well supported students across the institution; and that being a member of Team Durham (TD) means that the student athlete is an important ambassador for the University.

Student athletes should therefore:

understand the need to exercise good judgement and conduct their actions with honesty, integrity and

respect for others at all times;

understand that if behaviour falls below the standards and expectations outlined in this Code of Conduct,

the Student Pledge or the broader expectations laid out through the University’s Values and Non-Academic

Misconduct process, then they may be subject to disciplinary action.

Students should also recognise the long and proud tradition of sport at Durham University and that to be selected to represent Durham University Sport is an honour and not a right.

Through this representation the student athlete must:

understand that, through Team Durham, the University is supporting their personal growth, academic

achievement and athletic success;

acknowledge that they have significant responsibilities and that acting with integrity is a core University


recognise that these responsibilities include embracing different communities and celebrating the

differences that make the University, and the wider community, stronger together.

What are the aims of this Code of Conduct?

To protect and support TD members.

To protect and support others potentially affected by TD members’ actions.

To ensure the highest possible standards of fairness, honesty and behaviour.

To reduce the risk of harm, injury, harassment and nuisance to TD members and the wider community.

To help promote inclusive communities specifically within Durham University Sport.

To detail the actions that will be taken should the Code of Conduct be breached.The Code of Conduct

All Team Durham athletes must understand that they should conduct themselves in accordance with:

the policies of Durham University;

the principles outlined in the Durham University Student Pledge;

the rules and regulations of British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS);

the rules and regulations of their relevant sporting National Governing Body (NGB).

In abiding to the principles of the Team Durham Code of Conduct student athletes should pay particular attention to and reflect upon the following key areas:

The University Community

As a student athlete you will:

be a responsible and engaged member of the University community;

strive to represent your club on and off the field and show respect for all members of the University and the

wider community;

lead by example, being cognisant that both your own and your club's reputations are at stake when you are

participating in BUCS and NGB competitions, attending lectures, on training camps or simply socialising with


Academic Standing

As a student athlete you will:

assume full responsibility for your academic progress and achievement;

make every effort to stay in good academic standing at the University;

fulfil all of your academic commitments as published by your Academic Department - unless prior consent

has been obtained in the form of a Concession to enable those commitments to be adjusted.

Role as a Durham University Ambassador

As a student athlete you will:

when travelling for competition or training as a representative of both Durham University and your club,

behave responsibly and portray a positive image of Durham University at all times.

Social Media

As a student athlete you will:

not author, forward, or post vulgar or offensive notes, texts, photographs, or other content that reflects

negatively upon yourself, your club, other individuals or the University, or that conflict with the spirit or intent of this Code;

whenever possible, discourage others from posting text or photographs that could be deemed unflattering

or damaging to your, or others’, reputation, or the reputations of the club or the University;

where inappropriate postings from others are identified, report these findings to Team Durham staff.UK Anti-Doping (UKAD)

Durham University is a higher education UKAD partner:

As a student athlete you will:

not use or distribute banned substances, including illegal recreational and “performance enhancing drugs”;

not take prescription drugs unless they have been prescribed for you by a medical professional;

attend your clubs' UKAD awareness training;

bring to light with Team Durham staff any failed drugs test.

Sexual Violence and Misconduct

As a student athlete you will:

not initiate or engage in non-consensual sexual contact or sexual harassment;

acknowledge that all forms of harassment and non-consensual sexual contact are prohibited both by law

and Durham University regulations;

undertake the Sexual Violence and Misconduct on-line training as part of your personal growth.

Remaining informed of Durham University and Durham SU policies

As a student athlete you will:

be responsible for your own behaviour and for reading, understanding, and abiding by the policies that apply

to you.


As a student athlete you will:

not participate in initiations* of any sort;

acknowledge that such acts, either in connection with membership of a TD team/squad, participation in an

informal or formal club activity, or for any other reason, are strictly prohibited;

refrain from any act, whether physical, mental, emotional, or psychological, that subjects another person,

voluntarily or involuntarily, to anything that may abuse, mistreat, degrade, humiliate, harass, or intimidate

another person. Such acts may include, but are not limited to: forcing, requiring, or pressuring others to

consume alcohol or any other substance; forcing, requiring, or pressuring others to involuntarily perform

physical activities, or pressuring others to take part in an illegal or indecent activity; or physically abusing

others in any way.

*Our definition of an initiation is an event in which members (often first year students) of the club are the

focus of and subjected to perform any activity as a means of gaining credibility, status or entry within a club.

This pressure is often (although not explicitly) exerted upon new members and may involve the consumption

of alcohol, eating and/or drinking concoctions of various food stuffs and performing dangerous, illegal or

humiliating acts.What happens if there is a breach of the Code of Conduct?

Student-athletes are, naturally, members of the Durham University student body and, as such, are subject to the

University’s Non-Academic Misconduct Disciplinary Procedure. It is this procedure which will be invoked if a student

athlete is alleged to be in breach of the Team Durham Student Athlete Code of Conduct.

Upon receipt of an allegation of student misconduct, an Authorised University Officer or their delegated

representative will determine whether the alleged misconduct should be investigated locally as an allegation of a

“Category 1” offence or, instead, be referred directly to the Student Conduct Office as an allegation of a “Category

2” offence.

“Category 1” offences involve allegations of student misconduct which, whilst serious in nature, do not seriously

affect or cause serious damage to the University, its academic reputation or its staff or students. “Category 1”

offences are considered less serious in nature but will warrant formal investigation and possible sanction.

In the context of Team Durham, offences that are considered to be “Category 1” shall be investigated by the

Authorised University Officer, or their delegated representative, within the Colleges and Student Experience

Division. The Authorised University Officer has authority to apply any, or all, of the following sanctions:

A club fine of up to £1,000, or individual fines.

Removal or suspension of individuals from the relevant club.

Removal or suspension of teams from BUCS and all other competitions.

Removal or suspension of clubs from BUCS and all other competitions.

Community / charitable work.

Engagement in relevant education and/or training programmes.

Should an incident occur towards, or at the end, of the competitive season, the penalties may be applied for the following season.

“Category 2” offences involve allegations of student misconduct that either do or have the potential to seriously affect or cause serious damage to the University, its reputation or to its staff and students. “Category 2” offences are considered more serious in nature and warrant investigation and possible sanction by the Senate Disciplinary Committee.

Further information concerning Durham University’s Non-Academic Misconduct Procedure can be found here.