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Reports, media and other outputs

As well as academic publications our team and projects regularly create and contribute to other outputs and resources which are aimed at the wider medical humanities community including health practitioners, people with lived experience and the voluntary sector.


Websites and resources 

The Platform - home of the Discovery Research Platform for Medical Humanities (DRP-MH)

Understanding Voices - information and support relating to voice hearing 

Life of Breath podcast series

Working Knowledge - short, accessible and user-friendly resources dedicated to the practical ins and outs of interdisciplinary and cross-sector research.


Reports and evaluations

The Institute for Medical Humanities: 2018-2023

Barriers to Progress in Medical Humanities

Creative Facilitation report

Catch Your Breath exhibition evaluation reports for Catch Your Breath London exhibition evaluation and the Catch Your Breath pop-up exhibition evaluation

Catch Your Breath Writer-in-Residence Evaluation


Policy reports and recommendations

Life of Breath policy report - a Life of Breath policy report


Research briefings

Hearing the Voice: Interdisciplinary voice-hearing research (2012–2022) - research and engagement findings from over a decade's worth of work from Hearing the Voice.


Get in touch

For general enquiries, please contact us by email.

Institute for Medical Humanities

Durham University

Confluence Building

Lower Mountjoy

Stockton Road



T. +44 (0)191 334 8277

Image of report cover for 'Overcoming barriers to progress in medical humanities research'

New report on barriers to medical humanities research

New report commissioned by Durham's Institute for Medical Humanities exploring the barriers faced by researchers in medical humanities and opportunities for the field to thrive in the future.

Find out more and read the report