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Interdisciplinary Forum

Global Policy Institute and Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies organised an interdisciplinary forum “China in Global Capitalism: The State and The People”

The Global Policy Institute and the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies hosted an interdisciplinary forum “China in Global Capitalism: The State and The People” at Van Mildert College, Durham University on 4 April 2023. Two leading experts from Johns Hopkins University (USA), scholars and students from Durham and Leeds academic community discussed various aspects of the history and modern role of China within the system of global economy.

Opening the Forum, Craig Hunn, Vice Principal, Van Mildert College, welcomed all to the College on a sunny day. Gordon Cheung, Director of the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies underlined the importance of a versatile approach in researching the topic concerned, as well as expressed his gratitude to the Vice Principal, invited experts and GPI. Dr Kyriaki Nanou, co-director of Global Policy Institute, shared the mission and vision of GPI to have more interdisciplinary cooperation and research across Durham University institutions, stressing the value of the existing expertise in the given field.

The Forum included two deep-dive presentations. Professor Ho-fung Hung from the Department of Sociology and Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University presented the origins of China’s state capitalism and discussed how it evolved over the centuries, while professor Huei-Ying Kuo from the Department of Sociology at Johns Hopkins University provided a deep analysis of the history of Chinese Diaspora in its relationship with host countries, from the 1840s to 1940s.

We thank all academics and students who expressed their interest and participated in the event!