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The future of gestation

Dr Elizabeth Chloe Romanis, from Durham Law School, explores the future of gestation and its legal and ethical implications as part of a recently published book, Biotechnology, Gestation and the Law.

Coin jar with plants growing

Report calls for legislation to bolster governance of stem cell-based embryo models

Our Professor of Healthcare Law, Emma Cave, has chaired a working group looking into how research involving human stem cell-based embryo models (SCBEMs) should be regulated.

A person looking through a microscope in a laboratory

Infected blood scandal – what you need to know

Over 3,000 people have died after receiving contaminated blood products in the 1970s, 80s and 90s. Professor Emma Cave, of Durham Law School, helps set out the background to this scandal.

Nanobots flowing in the blood stream

Italy’s ban on international surrogacy is part of a drive towards an ultra-conservative idea of family

Assistant Professor in Family Law Dafni Lima responds to the Italian parliament's recent decision to criminalise surrogacy worldwide.

Two men stand beside a pregnant woman cradling her belly.

Durham law expert appointed chair of UK ethics working group

Professor Emma Cave, from Durham Law School, has been appointed to a working group set up by the UK’s foremost bioethics body, which will advise government on the ethics and regulation of research using stem cell based human embryo models.

Emma Cave is pictured in a dark red jumper against a blue background

Abortion: under-18s pushed towards in-person appointments but evidence shows remote consultations can be better option

Dr Elizabeth Chloe Romanis from our Law School and Dr Jordan Parsons from Keele University explain that telemedicine has made abortion more accessible and that this should extend to under-18s.

Person holding foetus scan

Durham expert appointed to UK Covid-19 Inquiry ethics panel

Healthcare law expert, Professor Emma Cave from our Durham Law School, has been appointed to the ethics advisory group of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry.

Emma Cave is pictured in a dark red jumper against a blue background

Professor Shaun Pattinson launches new book reflecting on the law applying to biomedicine

New book entitled ‘Law at the Frontiers of Biomedicine’ by Professor Shaun Pattinson from our Law School presents an innovative legal theory and applies it to future developments in biomedicine.

A mixture of tablet medicine

Durham expert leads advisory group on new guidance for doctors

New duties for doctors to tackle toxic cultures are among proposals put forward for public consultation by the General Medical Council (GMC).




Challenges to a Sustainable Recovery: International Law, Climate Change and Public Health

"Challenges to a Sustainable Recovery: International Law, Climate Change and Public Health" is an international, multi-disciplinary conference held in Durham, United Kingdom, on 15th and 16th September 2021.




Durham river and Cathedral view