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Training Strands

Sleep Deprived Mother with baby in bedThe three training strands are delivered and support to staff based on the role they play in supporting and spending time with potentially vulnerable families. On this page you will find useful resources related to each of these roles.


Training Strand 1

Strand 1 is for staff who encounter vulnerable families occasionally as part of every-day work (e.g. working inside peoples’ homes or responding to a crisis)

Training Strand 1: Resources and Training Presentation Handouts


Training Strand 2

Strand 2 is for staff who provide direct support to vulnerable families (e.g. frequent contact with families or support with infant care or family issues)

Training Strand 2: Resources and Training Presentation Handouts


Training Strand 3

Strand 3 is for practitioners involved in routine or emergency care of vulnerable families (e.g. pre and postnatal support or universal safer sleep information)

Training Strand 3: Resources and Training Presentation Handouts


You can contact Eyes on the Baby for enquiries, support and clarification related to these Training Strands and their resources.



Training Strand 1

Who is this for? Staff who go inside homes, who talk to new parents, or who help in a crisis

The following resources are to be used to support the practice of those enrolled on Training Strand 1:

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Training Strand 2

Who is this for? Workforce supporting vulnerable families

The following resources are to be used to support the practice of those enrolled on Training Strand 2:

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Training Strand 3

Who is this for? Health & Care Professionals with specialist roles

The following resources are to be used to support the practice of those enrolled on Training Strand 3:


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Taking a multi-agency approach to reducing SUDI and supporting those affected.

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