The IAS is committed to supporting and developing exciting ideas with potential.
In 2025/26, four projects will run, two in each term (Michaelmas; and Epiphany): Interest in Cattle: value, risk and security in eastern and southern Africa; Confronting Climate Apartheid: law, economy, culture; Surfacing Knowledge from Doctoral Research: mining the hidden potential of international doctoral theses; and Arts Engagement and Mental Health at Work.
In addition, in 2025/26, several Research Development Projects will take place. Details of these will be made available in June 2025.
IAS Major Projects began with preliminary ideas and planning the year before the project takes place with events and activities to build project capacity and then in the project year itself sees an intensive term of activity for each project with visiting Fellows and a variety of events.
Further details of all four projects, including contacts can be found below.
Future IAS projects
Click on the links below to take you to each individual project and further information.