Current Projects
The IAS is sponsoring and support several major projects, and a number of research development projects in this academic year 2024/25. Major projects are noted below. For details of Research Development projects this year, please click here.
Syntactical Structures
This project proposes that this syntactical ability lies at the heart of what it means to be human
Looking Back to Move Forward
This project starts from an assumption that to draw recommendations for managing major crises, supporting post-conflict recovery/reform, we must understand its history.
Humans and Numbers
This project seeks to understand how humans interact with numbers across contexts, disciplines and time through three core themes.
The Many Facets of Social Inequality
This project aims to gain new insights into these causes of inequality and poverty and develop effective policy solutions.
2024/25 Project - Tübingen College of Fellows - Durham IAS collaboration
The aim of the project is to allow the IAS and the College of Fellows to extend current work in this area at each university into a wider understanding of ‘Belonging’.