Dr Tetiana Vodotyka
IAS Fellow, July 2023 - July 2025
Contact Details
- Home Institution email: vodotyka@mics.ogr.ua
- Durham email: tetiana.vodotyka@durham.ac.uk
- Durham Tel: 0044 (0) 191 334 4690
Tetiana Vodotyka is a senior researcher at the Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In 2016 Dr Vodotyka established a peer-review e-journal of Urban Studies (City: History, Culture, Society) and has been its chief editor since then.
In her work, Dr Vodotyka tries to combine research and public historical activities. As a result, she is a non-fiction author. Most of her popular texts (including books and articles in magazines and web resources) are devoted to Ukrainian economic history, entrepreneurship in Ukraine, and urban history. Among her books should be mentioned The History of Everyday Life. Kyiv. Beginning of the XX Century (in Ukrainian, Folio, 2022); Success Stories. Famous Ukrainian Businessmen in the 19th Century (in Ukrainian, Folio, 2020); Honourable Citizens of Kyiv. 1872-1914 (in Ukrainian, Varto, 2019, Book of the Year 2019 Award); Space of Possibilities. Ukraine in the Iron and Steam Epoche (in Ukrainian, Klio, 2018).
Dr Vodotyka is also interested in using history as casus belli in the Russo-Ukrainian War (Battles for History. ‘Combats Pour l’histoire’ as the Elements of Russian Information Warfare. Ukrainian Case (co-author Dr Yevhen Mahda) and in recovering the memory of the Ukrainian military past (Ukrainians in the Armies all over the World (co-author Serhiy Vodotyka), in Ukrainian, Vivat, 2019).Entrepreneurial and business history, as well as urban history, history of Ukraine in the 19th century, and memory studies, are among her research interests.
Dr Vodotyka was a guest research fellow at the Georg-August University (Goettingen, Germany), holding an emergency scholarship for the scholars at risk from Ukraine within the program “Flexibel und Dynamisch – Innovative Maßnahmen für niedersächsische Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen” financed by the Niedersächsisches Vorab (a joint venture by Volkswagen Stiftung and MWK).
In 2023, Dr Vodotyka has started developing an MA program in Urban Development and Post-war Reconstruction at the Kyiv School of Economics and continues work on it. Interdisciplinarity is the key feature of the program as well as a strong practical focus.
At the IAS, as a CARA fellow, Dr Vodotyka is working on a project The Memory of Entrepreneur (-ship) in Late Nineteenth – early Twenty-first Century Ukraine. It is at the crossroads of memory studies and entrepreneurial history (or, more precisely – business history) and combines methodological approaches of both fields. It aims to trace the long durée of the memory of entrepreneur(-ship) in Ukraine – from the very first forms of manifestation in the late 19th century through the years of the Soviet regime to the regeneration of the market economy in the 1990s – early 2000s. She plans to figure out the interconnection between social changes, memory practices and memory culture in Ukraine.
Dr Vodotyka holds a BA and MA in History from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, and a PhD (also History) from the Institute of History of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. For her outstanding work in the field, she was awarded the scholarship of the President of Ukraine for young scientists (2020).
IAS Seminar - 03 March 2025 - 1.00 - 2.00pm. IAS Seminar Room, Cosin's Hall, Institute of Advanced Study
Perfect Storm? Urban Studies Field in Ukraine
Registration is essential. Details here.