Dr Kateryna Ivashchenko-Stadnik
IAS Fellow, October 2023 - September 2025
Contact Details
- Durham email: kateryna.ivashchenko@durham.ac.uk
- Durham Tel: +44 (0)191 3344690
Dr Kateryna Ivashchenko-Stadnik is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and a Research Consultant for Eastern Europe at the Centre of Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development (SeeD). She began her career as a historian, focusing on interwar migration and displacement in Europe, before transitioning to interdisciplinary social studies.
Dr Kateryna Ivashchenko-Stadnik is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and a Research Consultant for Eastern Europe at the Centre of Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development (SeeD). She began her career as a historian, focusing on interwar migration and displacement in Europe, before transitioning to interdisciplinary social studies.
Dr Ivashchenko-Stadnik has more than twenty years experience in conducting and analyzing cross-national, national and regional surveys. She has acted as a Ukrainian team leader and country expert within a number of international research schemes with a primary focus on social change, migration and mobility. Her research collaborations span renowned institutions and scholars, including the University of Liverpool (INTAS project on Transitions to Adulthood in Ukraine, Georgia, and Armenia, supervised by Professor Ken Roberts), University of Manchester (AHRC project on post-First World War population displacements, led by Professor Peter Gatrell), University of Oxford (NORFACE project Theorizing the Evolution of European Migration Systems, coordinated by Dr Agnieszka Kubal), European University Institute/Migration Policy Centre in Florence (CARIM East – Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration, coordinated by Dr Agnieszka Weinar), among others. From 2015 to 2017, Dr Ivashchenko-Stadnik coordinated the sociological research component in Ukraine for the HORIZON 2020 multidisciplinary project titled ‘A Conflict Sensitive Unpacking of the EU Comprehensive Approach to Conflict and Crisis Mechanism.’
Her papers with a focus on migration and regional studies have appeared in, among others, European Sociological Review and Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal. She is a co-author and contributor to several volumes on Ukraine’s societal development in the recent decades including Parallel Cultures: majority/minority relations in the countries of the former eastern bloc (Ashgate, 2001), Ukraine in Transformation (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), and Eight Years After the Revolution of Dignity: what has changed (IBIDEM Press, 2024). She is currently co-editing a collective volume on Resilience and Social Transformations during Wartime in Ukraine (Palgrave MacMillan, forthcoming).
As a parallel career path, Dr Ivashchenko-Stadnik has garnered several years of experience in film production and distribution. Additionally, she served as the co-editor (with a Washington-based folklorist and social activist Inna Golovakha-Hicks and famous Ukrainian designer Oleksii Chekal) of The Ukrainian: life and culture, a quarterly print magazine tailored for English-language readership in the US and worldwide (the magazine received the prestigious Best Design and Concept for Magazine award from The TDC global competition in 2023). She is a member of the Ukrainian Sociological Association and an alumna of the Aspen Institute Kyiv (Responsible Leadership Program).
At the IAS, as a CARA fellow, Dr Ivashchenko-Stadnik is working on her book “Youth and Forced Displacement: issues of adaptation and integration” and developing a project “Placing the Displacement: Building Resilience through the Memories of Home”, a people-centered interdisciplinary research that investigates resilience mechanisms by delving into the intergenerational family histories of those affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine.
Dr Ivashchenko-Stadnik holds degrees in History (Donetsk State University), Sociology (Central European University, Prague and Warsaw) and International Development (University of London).
IAS Seminar - 25 November 2024 - 1.00 - 2.00pm. IAS Seminar Room, Cosin's Hall, Institute of Advanced Study
Grassroot resilience in the wartime Ukraine: Sociological insights from 2014-2024
Registration is essential. Details here.
Further Information
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