Interdisciplinary opportunities for DU postdoctoral researchers

We are launching a Sandpit event and a new Project Funding Opportunity to advance the interdisciplinary research and leadership skills of our post-doctoral researchers and fellows at DU. This is a joint initiative between the Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) and the university’s Research Culture development project Flourish@Durham.
Interdisciplinary Sandpit event, 25th April, 10-1pm, IAS Cosin’s Hall, Palace Green
Registration required.
Want to get involved in interdisciplinary research but you don’t know where to start? Have a question that requires the input from various disciplines? Come to our Interdisciplinary Sandpit event, where you will meet peers from other departments, share ideas and brainstorm new projects . Coffee and lunch provided.
Interdisciplinary Researcher Development Projects
We look to fund two projects of £1500 each to help post-doctoral researchers initiate and develop interdisciplinary collaborations on a topic of their choice. The projects could involve organising research events, establishing interdisciplinary research networks and/or piloting innovative research methodologies among other activities. Applications will open on 15th April and close on 10th May. Further details available in the Application Form.
For questions, please contact Dr Margarita Staykova,
More information