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28 February 2024 - 28 February 2024

2:15PM - 4:15PM

Seminar Room, Institute of Advanced Study, Cosin's Hall, Palace Green

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This is the final workshop, in a series of four, in conjunction with the large-scale cross-faculty research project sponsored by Durham University’s Institute of Advanced Study. The theme of this workshop is 'regulating offence'.

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Understanding Offence

This project aims to deepen comprehension of offence as a phenomenon and think creatively about managing the challenges that it presents to society. A central concern will be to analyse the difficulties inherent in formulating conceptually robust definitions of offence that will meet with broad agreement in plural democratic societies and which can form the basis for effective regulatory and legal frameworks.

Over the course of Epiphany term four workshops, and a conference will be held. 

To register interest in attending any of the events, please contact Professor Patrick Zuk, School of Modern Languages and Cultures (Russian Studies). 


