Understanding Offence: Delimiting the (Un)sayable - International conference
21 March 2024 - 23 March 2024
10:15AM - 3:30PM
Hatfield College (Little Burt Room, and Birley Room); and Pemberton Rooms Palace Green (PG20 and PG21)
This multidisciplinary conference is organised in conjunction with a large-scale cross-faculty research project sponsored by Durham University’s Institute of Advanced Study. It is envisioned as a forum for critical reflection on issues pertaining to offence and the challenges that it presents to society.
Image courtesy of iStock
Download the full Offence Conference Programme.
Brief Overview
Thursday 21 March 2024 |
- 10.15-10.45 Registration and refreshments (Little Burt Room, Hatfield College) |
- 11.00-11.15 Welcome and introductory remarks (Pemberton Rooms, PG21) Vice-Chancellor of Durham University, Karen O’Brien |
- 11.15-12.30 Keynote address I (Pemberton Rooms, PG21) Stefan Collini (University of Cambridge) |
- 12.30-13.30 Lunch (Little Burt Room, Hatfield College) |
- 13.30-15.00 Paper sessions I & II (Pemberton Rooms, PG20 and PG21) |
- 15.00-15.30 Break (tea/coffee served in Little Burt Room, Hatfield College) |
- 15.30-17.30 Paper sessions III & IV (Pemberton Rooms, PG20 and PG21) |
Friday 22 March 2024 |
- 09.30-11.00 Paper sessions V & VI (Pemberton Rooms, PG20 and PG21) |
- 11.00-11.30 Break (tea/coffee served in Little Burt Room, Hatfield College) |
- 11.30-12.45 Keynote address II (Pemberton Rooms, PG21), Jacob Rowbottom (University of Oxford) |
- 12.45-13.45 Lunch (Little Burt Room, Hatfield College) |
- 13.45-15.15 Paper sessions VII & VIII (Pemberton Rooms, PG20 and PG21) |
- 15.15-15.45 Break (tea/coffee served in Little Burt Room, Hatfield College) |
- 15.45-17.15 Paper sessions IX and X (Pemberton Rooms, PG20 and PG21) |
- 19.00 Conference dinner (Kenworthy Hall, St Mary’s College) |
Saturday 23 March 2024 |
- 09.30-11.00 Paper sessions XI & XII (Pemberton Rooms, PG20 and PG21 |
- 11.00-11.30 Break (tea/coffee served in Little Burt Room, Hatfield College |
- 11.30-13.00 Paper sessions XIII & XIV (Pemberton Rooms, PG20 and PG21 |
- 13.00-14.00 Lunch (Little Burt Room, Hatfield College |
- 14.00-15.30 Closing plenary session: New directions in research on offence (Birley Room, Hatfield College) |
- 15.30 Conference ends |
Durham colleagues who are interested in attending selected sessions are able to do so, subject to availability, and must select and indicate which sessions here. Confirmation of place will be provided before the conference start dates.
Please contact Professor Patrick Zuk, School of Modern Languages and Cultures (Russian Studies) for further information.