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9 March 2022 - 9 March 2022

5:30PM - 6:30PM

Kingsley Barrett Room, Calman Learning Centre, Durham University, Stockton Road, Durham, DH1 3LE

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IAS Public Lecture by artist, Jana Winderen

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Jana Winderen on Helmer Hansen recording in the Marginal Ice Zone

Listening under the Surface from the Arctic to the Tropic Ocean. For over 15 years Jana Winderen has been listening to creatures under water.

In her lecture, she will play examples of hydrophone recordings and a longer composition. The material she will be presenting will be based around her findings from her first field trips to Greenland, Iceland and the Barents Sea in 2006/07 to her recent trip to the coast of north Norway in the summer of 2021. She will be talking about her findings in Andenes in particular, and reflect on what the sound environments under water is teaching us when we listen carefully. There is different ways of listening. Jana is interested in how we listen as human beings and how, for example the sperm whale and other odontocetes are using echolocation to orientate, communicate and hunt under water. How has listening evolved from an above water origin to under water for the whales and from an origin of under water listening to above water for humans.  She will also talk about bone conduction as a means to listen under water, and about techniques that have been used for thousands of years around the world, also the Arctic.

Registration is not required to attend in person. To watch online please register here.

