3 February 2025 - 3 February 2025
1:00PM - 2:00PM
Cosin's Hall, Seminar Room, Palace Green
IAS Fellows' Seminar by Professor Diogo Aguiar Gomes (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
Image courtesy of Kateryna Onyshchuk on iStock
How do prices emerge from the collective actions of many market participants? This seminar explores how Mean Field Game (MFG) theory provides an elegant mathematical framework for understanding price formation in markets with numerous small players. Professor Gomes will examine models where agents can store and trade commodities while optimizing costs, leading to emergent price dynamics through supply and demand interactions. The approach reveals how individual preferences, storage constraints, and production uncertainties influence market prices. Drawing from recent advances in the field, we'll see how MFG models can capture realistic market features like price volatility and the impact of renewable energy sources. While the underlying mathematics can be complex, the key insights are intuitive and relevant for understanding real-world markets, from electricity trading to commodity pricing. This seminar will emphasize the intuition behind the models while keeping technical details accessible.
Places are limited and so any academic colleagues or students interested in attending in person should register. Registration form here.