Interdisciplinary opportunities for DU postdoctoral researchers - Sandpit Event
25 April 2024 - 25 April 2024
10:00AM - 1:00PM
Seminar Room, IAS, Cosin’s Hall, Palace Green
Want to get involved in interdisciplinary research but you don’t know where to start? Have a question that requires the input from various disciplines? Come to our Interdisciplinary Sandpit event, where you will meet peers from other departments, share ideas and brainstorm new projects . Coffee and lunch provided.
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The Institute of Advanced Study (IAS), supported by the university’s Research Culture development project Flourish@Durham, is pleased to announce the following opportunities, designed to enhance and promote the interdisciplinary research and leadership skills of post-doctoral researchers and fellows at DU.
1. Interdisciplinary Sandpit event, 25th April (Registration required)
Want to get involved in interdisciplinary research but you don’t know where to start? Have a question that requires the input from various disciplines?
You are invited to our Interdisciplinary Sandpit event on 25th April, 10-1pm at the IAS Cosin’s Hall, Palace Green, where you will meet peers from other departments, share ideas and brainstorm new projects . Coffee and lunch provided. Places will be limited so book your place by filling in the Registration Form.
2. Interdisciplinary Researcher Development Projects
We look to fund two projects of £1500 each to help post-doctoral researchers initiate and develop interdisciplinary collaborations on a topic of their choice. The projects could involve organising research events, establishing interdisciplinary research networks and/or piloting innovative research methodologies among other activities. Further details about this project call are available in the Application Form.
15th April Invite project applications.
25th April Interdisciplinary Sandpit, 10am-1pm, IAS Cosin’s Hall, Palace Green.
10th May Project application deadline.
The Sandpit can be attended as a stand-alone event, but also as an opportunity to help you develop your project and team for the upcoming project call.
For questions, please contact Dr Margarita Staykova,