IAS Research Showcase Event - Building Interdisciplinary Projects
3 March 2025 - 3 March 2025
2:30PM - 4:00PM
Seminar Room, Institute of Advanced Study, Cosin's Hall
As part of the Durham's Global week, the Institute of Advanced Study is delighted to host an event welcoming colleagues, students and members of the public to the IAS to learn more about the exciting and creative interdisciplinary research it fosters and supports.
The IAS: a home for growing big ideas
The Institute of Advanced Study is a home for growing big ideas. It supports, promotes and grows new and creative interdisciplinary ideas that transform our perspectives in challenging and provocative ways.
This event will showcase recent, current and future IAS Major projects including:
- Looking Back to Move Forward: History, Recovery, and Sustainability in Understanding the War in Ukraine on a Global Scale
The war in Ukraine has seen the weaponisation of globalisation by political actors in discourses about migration and bought to light various uses and misuses of history. There is an urgency to bridge disciplinary approaches to the understanding of Ukraine while at the same time maintaining the right historical lens. This 2024/25 Major Project asks which historical lessons - from its past as well as from other conflicts, could be used to understand the complexity of displacement caused by the war. - Understanding Offence: delimiting the (un)sayable
This 2023/24 Project explores offence as a cultural and social phenomenon, examining the challenges inherent in attempting to regulate offensive speech and behaviour. - Confronting Climate Apartheid: law, economy, culture
This 2024/25 project will make a ground-breaking contribution to debates concerning climate justice, environmental politics, and narrative imaginaries in a changing world by interrogating the logic of what many now call ‘climate apartheid.’
Registration to attend is essential. Please contact enquiries.ias@durham.ac.uk to book your place.