Events from the 01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 Reset
IAS Fellows' Seminar by Professor Denise McCoskey (Miami University)
09 October 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Cosin‘s Hall, Seminar Room, Palace Green
IAS Fellows' Seminar by Dr Jorge Dagnino (University of San Sebastian, Chile)
16 October 2023
Cosin‘s Hall, Seminar Room
Since the appointment of the first Addison Wheeler Fellows at Durham in the late 1960s, almost 40 scholars have taken up research Fellowships at Durham. One of very early recipients of this Fellowship, Professor Richard Morris CBE FRS FRSE, a Fellow between 1973 and 1975, returns to Durham on Wednesday 18 October to give his reflections on his Fellowship, and his research and career since.
18 October 2023
4:00 PM - 5:15 PM
Kingsley Barrett Room, Calman Learning Centre, South Road
IAS Fellows' Seminar by Dr Diana Johns (University of Melbourne)
23 October 2023
IAS Fellows' Public Lecture by Professor Denise McCoskey (Miami University)
25 October 2023
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Bishop‘s Dining Hall, University College (Durham Castle)
IAS Fellows' Seminar by Dr Youssri Abdelwahed (Minia University)
30 October 2023
IAS Fellows' Public Lecture by Dr Adam Gordon (University of Albany)
02 November 2023
The Chapel, Hatfield College
The purpose of this informal interdisciplinary workshop is to bring together academics and performers with interests in how the human capacity for combining elements into complex sequences underpins and is manifested in movement. Through the collaboration of the sciences, the humanities and the arts, we will explore the concept of ‘embodied syntax’ – the bodily manifestations of a more general cognitive and sensory-motor capacity that is distinctively human. We see dance as a prime example
03 November 2023
12:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Birley Room, Hatfield College
IAS Fellows' Seminar by Professor Tong King Lee (University of Hong Kong)
06 November 2023
IAS Fellows' Public Lecture by Dr Jorge Dagnino (University of San Sebastian, Chile)
08 November 2023
Sir James Knott Hall, Trevelyan College