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Durham Psychologist to take on new President role

We’re celebrating the news that a leading academic from our Department of Psychology has been elected as the next president of the European Brain and Behaviour Society (EBBS).
Professor Alex Easton smiling for a camera

Employees aligned with manager more likely to contribute ideas

Employees who share similar motivations for achievement with their managers are much more likely to speak up and share their ideas, concerns or feedback, according to new research by the School.
Motivated diverse employees brainstorm develop strategies on whiteboard

Durham University academic, Dr Fusako Innami, receives a Fulbright Award to the US

Dr Fusako Innami, an Associate Professor at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures at Durham University, has received a Fulbright Award to enable her to research at the University of California (Berkeley) on one of the most well-regarded and impactful scholarship programmes in the world.
A woman dances in an otherwise empty room with brick walls

Sediment Cascades and Climate Change workshop, Chile

[06/24] Exploring Sediment Cascades and Climate Change in the Andes: A four-day workshop
Sedement workshop Chile June 2024

New research advances understanding of negative social contact

New research, by our Department of Psychology, has found that negative social contact among people of differing societal or cultural groups can have a disproportionate negative effect on broad social cohesion within communities.
A group of people in a social situation

Motor Neurone Disease Awareness Month: Durham spin-out given the go-ahead to trial new treatments

June is Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Awareness Month. Andy Whiting, an Emeritus Professor in our Department of Chemistry and CEO of our spin-out company Nevrargenics Limited, explains how his team is using new funding to discover new treatments and hopefully a cure for the condition.
A scientist probing a plastic brain

World Refugee Day 2024: Hannah Rose Thomas and Tears of Gold

This World Refugee Day we hear from one of our History and Arabic graduates, Hannah Rose Thomas, as she discusses her inspirational new book, Tears of Gold: Portraits of Yazidi, Rohingya, and Nigerian Women.
A portrait of a displaced woman

Fourth International Judicial Roundtable Explores Technology and Climate Change as Key Issues in Commercial Courts and Dispute Resolution

The fourth international Judicial Roundtable at the end of April 2024 in Durham explored topics within Technology and Climate Change, with judges and leading policymakers from around the world.
4th Judicial Roundtable 2024

Royal honour for Professor Harriet Bulkeley

One of our leading geography researchers has been honoured by His Majesty King Charles III.
A head and shoulders photograph of Professor Harriet Bulkeley

Prof. E. Pohl Invited to Lunch by Ambassador of Pakistan to Ethiopia, H.E. Mr. Mian Atif Sharif

Prof. E. Pohl was honoured to be invited for lunch by the Ambassador of Pakistan to Ethiopia, H.E. Mr. Mian Atif Sharif, where he had the opportunity to discuss the Global Network on Neglected Tropical Diseases and how we need to find collective solution for a global problem.
A group of scientists pose from all around the world

National equality, diversity and inclusion prize for Dr Bahar Baser

One of our inspiring international affairs researchers has been recognised for her significant contribution to promoting inclusivity.
Dr Bahar Baser looking at the camera holding a circular glass award and a certificate

National Clean Air Month: Exploring the link between your brain health and air pollution

With May being National Clean Air Month, we spoke to Professor Brian Castellani from our Department of Sociology and the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing about his work on the impact of air pollution on our health.
Cars in traffic emitting pollution