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As we approach the end of exam and assessment period, there will be changes to some of our study spaces and opening times.

Bill Bryson Library  

24/7 opening will end at 10pm on Friday 31 May. From 9am on Saturday 1 June, our opening times will change to:

  • Monday-Friday between 8am-10pm 
  • Saturday-Sunday between 9am-10pm 

Pop-up library study spaces 

From Saturday 1 June, our pop-up study spaces will no longer be available, including: 

  • Geography Building 
  • Elvet Riverside (additional spaces) 
  • Mathematical Sciences and Computer Science Building (additional spaces) 
  • Palace Green Library (Wolfson Gallery) 
  • Almshouse PG27 

Our permanent study spaces at Elvet Riverside and Mathematical Sciences and Computer Science Building will still be available as part of our continuous offer. 

Opening times and availability at all our other study spaces remain the same until the end of the current term.

If you have any queries about our services and support, you can contact us through our live chat service.