Please check the information below for a reminder of the day and time of your course and to view details of the textbook to purchase. Please note that whilst ideally you should obtain a copy of the textbook for the first lesson, don’t worry if this is not possible as your teacher will make provisions to ensure you can follow along without it during the first session. Most textbooks should be available from the University branch of Waterstone’s (the higher of the two branches on Saddler Street in Durham City), or available to purchase elsewhere (including online). The latter are marked with an asterisk.
Your course will be delivered using a video conferencing/teaching platform such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom (for the latter, you will need to have downloaded Zoom). We recommend that you use Google Chrome or Edge (chromium) as your Internet browser and that you sign into the session a few minutes early, ensuring that any other software applications that may access your microphone and/or camera are turned off as they may conflict. Language learning requires commitment to self-study as well as regular attendance; online courses will often require preparing in advance in addition to practice exercises to consolidate in-class tuition.
For in-person courses
Please see the bottom of this page for practical details.
Day and time
Start date
French Beginners
Step 1
Entre Nous 1
(includes exercise book)
or hybrid version
French Intermediate
Step 2
Elvet Riverside 2
Entre Nous 2
German Beginners
Group A
Elvet Riverside 1
Netzwerk Neu A1.1
978-3126071543 (minimum)
Or 978-3126071864 (media-bundle)
Or 978-3-12-607161-1 (Allango hybrid edition)
Group B
Italian Beginners
Nuovo Espresso 1
Minimum (book only): 978-8861823181
Book + DVD 978-8861823174
Book + interactive 978-8861826724
E-book 978-8861826717
Japanese Beginners
Japanese for Busy People 1
Romanised version 4th ed.
978- 1568366191
Integrated Korean Beginning 1
Norwegian Advanced
Teacher will supply handouts
Spanish Beginners
Aula internacional Plus 1
ISBN: 9788418032189
Spanish Lower Intermediate
Aula Internacional Plus 2
ISBN: 9788418032202
All in-person classes will take place in the Elvet Riverside building on the Durham University campus. To view the building on Google maps, please click this link: Elvet Riverside building
Please note that Elvet Riverside 1 and 2 are both at this location and are connected. Please enter the building via the entrance to Elvet Riverside 1 (the main entrance). In the foyer, you will see a reception and security office on the left-hand side, and there is a map of the building on the wall, should you need help locating your room.
Please note that the doors to Elvet Riverside 2 currently operate on a one-way system. You can leave the building via them, but you cannot enter.
Parking is unfortunately not available on the University campus, however nearby streets are well provisioned with bays which can be used free of charge after 6pm.