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University student
The incredible and fascinating modules this degree offers, ranging from Reproduction and Parenthood to Gender, Health and Medicine, have allowed me to discover my particular interests and explore a wide array of new topics. The freedom and flexibility of each module from choosing our own essay questions to using non-academic material and incorporating our own experiences have enriched my learning journey immensely. One aspect that stood out during my Sociology studies was the support provided by the Sociology Department. The dedication was evident in responses to countless emails and questions and their willingness to offer numerous office hours and workshops to students.

Amelia Kellar
Sociology Graduate, 2024
University student
My time in the Department of Sociology has been brilliant from start to finish. We had the choice of a wide range of modules from years 1 to 3, with world leaders in our subjects to give us insightful and nuanced knowledge. Lecturers and seminar leaders were always on hand to help with any ideas and issues that we had with the work. The student support within the department has been faultless as they are always available to help and my dissertation supervisor gave me support and guidance when planning and forming ideas. Overall, my Criminology degree from Durham has given me an excellent platform to begin my career and I will always be fond of the memories I have made here!

Grace Clancy
Criminology Graduate, 2024
University student
Studying Sociology at Durham has inspired me to become a researcher with genuine curiosity and love for people and society. The course provided many first-hand opportunities to design and do your own research. This process was challenging but also supported by teachers and peers. I still remember the excitement of hosting the first focus group with my teammates after which one of the participants said: “thank you for making this conversation happen”. My gradual identity formation as a researcher is a precious gift from these three years of studying Sociology. I now feel much more prepared and motivated to express my opinions and make real changes in the workplace and daily life.

Qiuxu Rose Ren
Sociology Graduate, 2024
University student
My experience studying Sociology at Durham has been nothing short of exemplary. The breadth of module options at Durham has been extremely valuable in tailoring my research interests and has enabled a degree of academic independence. Guidance from the staff has fostered my critical thinking and academic writing skills, fully preparing me for a career in social research. The Department has a genuine dedication to students both academically and personally and has provided an exceptional network of support throughout. Studying at Durham has equipped me with key academic skills and extensive sociological knowledge. I feel fully prepared to explore further opportunities in social research.

Connor Matthews
Sociology Graduate, 2024
University student
Over the past three years I have been able to build upon my existing core skills and acquire new ones - invaluable preparation for the law conversion course (PGDL) I start in September. The excellent support, guidance and constructive feedback from lecturers and seminar leaders have been instrumental in my academic development. Flexibility in the module options has allowed me to explore diverse areas of interest, tailoring my personal learning journey. The seminar components have fostered engaging discussion and debate broadening my perspectives and enhancing critical thinking skills. These experiences will be integral to my future legal career aspirations.

Elsbeth Middleboe
Criminology Graduate, 2024