If you are using Word to write your Lab Reports, we recommend you use MathType for the equations, which you can get on the University NPCS computers, or download it yourself online (the free version is sufficient for writing reports).
Equations may be included inline (i.e. as part of your regular text) if they are small and don't contain unusual symbols (e.g. square roots).
If you have a larger equation, or you want to number it to refer back to it later, you should have it on it's own line, centered on the column and it should have an equation number on the right.
For example, the error propagation formula used in Circuits 1 is given by
where R is the resistance, V is the voltage, I is the current across the resistor and α represents their associated uncertainties. Later on, you can refer to this as equation (1).
Some rules for equations:
Use SI Units unless something else is more appropriate.