Anne Galbraith Room - Durham University
CB 0010 and CB 0017 - Confluence Building, Durham University
CB-001 (Confluence building, Lower Mountjoy)
CB0020 & CB0021
CG 218 (DU) - Side Event Room 5 (COP29)
CG85 (Chemistry, Lower Mountjoy)
Durham Law School
Durham Law School - PCL051
Durham Law School, Palatine Centre
Durham Law School, Palatine Centre PCL048 Hogan Lovells Lecture Theatre
Durham Law School, Palatine Centre Room PCL 051
Durham Law School, Palatine Centre Room PCL 058
Durham Law School, Palatine Centre Room PCL050
Durham Law School, Palatine Centre Room PCL057
Durham Law School, Palatine Centre, Durham
Durham University
Durham University, Palatine Centre, Hogan Lovells Lecture Theatre (PCL048)
Hogan Lovells
Hogan Lovells (PCL048), Durham Law School
Hogan Lovells Lecture Theatre
Hogan Lovells Lecture Theatre (PCL048) - Durham Law School
Hogan Lovells Lecture Theatre, PCL048, Durham Law School
Hybrid: Durham Law School, PCL057 and Online: Zoom
Law School Foyer
Lecture hall E102, Christopherson Higginson, Engineering, Durham University
Online (Zoom): Please register using the link above
Online - Please register
Online - Zoom
Online - zoom
Online via Zoom
Online, zoom
Online-Zoom Webinar
PCL048 - Durham Law School
PCL048 - Hogan Lovells Lecture Theatre, Durham Law School and Online: Zoom
PCL048 - Hogan Lovells Lecture Theatre, Durham University
PCL048 Hogan Lovells Lecture Theatre
PCL048, Durham Law School, Palatine Centre
PCL048, Hogan Lovells Lecture Theatre - Durham Law School, Online: Zoom
PCL048, Hogan Lovells Lecture Theatre, Durham Law School, Palatine Centre, Durham
PCL050 (Palatine Centre)/Online via Zoom
PCL050 - Durham Law School
PCL050 - Durham University
PCL054 (Palatine Centre)
PCL054 - Durham Law School
PCL054 - Palatine Centre, Durham Law School
PCL054, Durham Law School
PCL54 (Palatine Centre)
PH30 (Ogden Centre for Fundamental Physics)
Palatine Centre, Hogan Lovells Lecture Theatre
Palatine Centre, PCL048
Palatine Centre, PCL054
Teaching and Learning Centre, Durham University
This event is taking place online via Zoom.
This event is taking place online, via Zoom.
This is a hybrid event. If you are attending in person the event is located at: PCL 048 (Palatine Centre, Law School)
This is a hybrid event. It will be taking place in person at PCL054 and online via Zoom.
This is a hybrid event. The event is taking place in PLC048, and online via Teams.
This is an online event, the event will be taking place via Zoom.