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19 June 2024 - 19 June 2024

1:00PM - 2:00PM

This event will be in-person in room CB-0011 of the Confluence Building. Contact for more details about how to take part.

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Part of the School of Education Research Seminar Series.

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School of Education Research Seminar Series


This week’s seminar is going to be a little different - it is not a research seminar - in that we will not be presenting research. However, what we plan to do is share a toolkit developed by a decolonisation intern and the library that helps us think about what we are reading and where the knowledge comes from. There is much discussion in Higher Education about the need to decolonise our curriculum and whilst the toolkit we will explore supports this agenda the potential it has to support research - both by us and our students is not insignificant. In the seminar slot we will demonstrate how the library tool can work and use this as the basis for a discussion of why we might even want to do this at all. Prior to the session it would be great if you could take a look at the toolkit using the following link and maybe even have a play with the first step - challenging your reading list - reflect on the questions asked and then put even 5 of the readings for your module in to the “visualising your reading list’ excel sheet.


Presented by Professor Julie Rattray and Dr Antonia Manresa.

