19 January 2022 - 19 January 2022
9:30AM - 5:30PM
19th January 2022 - Online workshop organized by PhD candidate Maria De Falco with the support of Dr Kamal Badreshany and Prof. Robin Skeates. Research Dialogues, Material and Visual Culture: Research and Impact Group
This workshop brings together scholars of diverse specialisms focusing on ceramic production and technology to discuss how new approaches in archaeometry and ceramic analysis can be marshalled towards new research frameworks in Europe and the Mediterranean throughout late Prehistory (VI-II mill. BC). The aim is to explore and compare production modes and technological traditions within and across societies, regions, and periods.
Ceramics are a key technology associated with increasing socio-economic complexity in European prehistory. Despite their ubiquity in the archaeological record and scholarly agreement on their importance, the potential of ceramic data to comprehensively address region-level socio-economic questions about past communities has not been fully realised.
Research has focused on the dissemination of ceramic technology with rather less attention paid to the diversity of productive strategies across time and space and their implications. Alongside major innovations, small-scale variations in technological choices and productive strategies might hint at different requirements, uses, traditions, interactions and identities within or across communities. A multiscalar approach to ceramics aimed at a better understanding the range of production modes, technologies and styles, can unlock new lines of socio-economic enquiry.
Topics considered include (but are not limited to):
1) The relationship of geography and technological choice to style, context (i.e domestic/funerary/ritual), and social identity.
2) Conservatism and innovation in technological traditions and their meaning.
3) The concept of technological variability and its role in mobility and the exchange of objects and ideas.
AcrossTech - preliminary programme
Case studies and approaches by invited speakers
Keynote lecture by Prof. Stephen Shennan, University College London
Followed by round table and discussion