Residential Business Manager - Marija Huljak
Marija heads up students admissions and residential accommodation, from initial college preference choice to signing licence agreements; manages administration and residential services; and coordinates all professional teams to provide the best residential service. Marija also supervises college commercial activities: conferences and events, reunions and B&B bookings.
Assistant Principal – Kate Fox-Robinson
Kate is responsible for postgraduate student support and the internal management of complex cases and student discipline. She works with students on initiatives to maximise student enrichment and experience in college life, with particular emphasis on optimising wellbeing and creating an inclusive environment for all students.
Student Support & Enrichment Officer - Jasmine Baker-Sones
Jasmine is the main point of contact for undergraduate student support, she provides guidance and signposting for academic, personal, financial and other issues. As the Enrichment Officer, Jasmine coordinates the College Career Mentor Programme, the First Generation Scholars network and other student enrichment projects.
Personal Assistant to The Principal - Clare Towns
Clare is the first point of contact for the Principal’s office, manages the diary of the Principal, organises meetings and events, looks after Visiting Fellows and is responsible for the administration of College Governance including College committees and College Council.
Chaplain – Revd Dr Liz Kent
Liz serves as College Chaplain alongside her role as part-time Director of the Wesley Study Centre. In College, Liz facilitates the weekly College Communion Service and Evensong, with its sixteen choral scholars. She offers a listening ear and pastoral support to both students and staff and students, working across all the different Common Rooms.
Alumni & Communications Officer - Kathrine Bertram
Kathrine manages College communications, events and reunions for alumni of St John’s, otherwise known as Johnians. This includes creating the College Record, our annual publication. The Alumni & Communications Officer is responsible for alumni relations and development, supporting the College Officers in developing external relations and leading on fundraising and donor engagement. The role is also responsible for delivering the College’s Communications strategy, with the aim of creating a cohesive and positive full student journey, from prospective students through to alumni and donors.
College Librarian – Melissa Campey
Melissa is College Librarian for the Sir William Leech Library, which occupies the first and second floors of the LRC (Learning Resource Centre). She is responsible for library queries, e-books and the purchase of books for the library, as well as working closely with the Academic Librarian.
Student Support Administrator & Library Information Assistant – Laura Rowland
Laura is one of the main points of contact for the Vice Principal's Office, providing administration for student support queries. She is also a part of the Library team, cataloguing and processing books, and helping to organise and plan ideas on how to use the library space.
Email (student support and wellbeing):
Email (accommodation and admissions):
Finance team
The Finance team consists of Kate Ayres, Kay Gill, Caroline Young and Kelly Pattinson. Contact the team if you have any queries, need to pay a College invoice, are experiencing financial hardship, or there is a delay in your funding.
Reception team
The helpful and friendly Reception team are the first point of contact in College for any general enquiries, and what they don’t know about College facilities isn’t worth knowing! The team are responsible for check-in to rooms, security, keys, post, meal tickets, police and bank letters, room bookings, gym admission and numerous other things. They are also qualified first-aiders and the first point of contact in an emergency during the day and evening.
Housekeeping team
Lynne Thompson and her team are responsible for the housekeeping of the accommodation in College and the public areas and facilities throughout the buildings. Our Domestic Assistants work in pairs and are allocated a block of accommodation for the year, so you will get to know the staff who work in your area.
Catering team
Our Catering Manager John Dorward is responsible for organising and developing the food and beverage service on a daily basis to students, staff and commercial visitors. Chefs Colin Clifford and Ting Lee plan and cook tasty menus and meals to suit a wide range of tastes. The Catering Assistants are the front of house faces of the Catering team, serving food in Haughton and Bowes dining rooms daily. This friendly team takes pride in delivering an efficient and good quality service to St John’s College. If students have particular dietary requirements, they can talk to the team who will be happy to discuss options in more detail.
Maintenance and operations team
The Maintenance department is committed to providing a safe, clean, and comfortable environment for all our students, colleagues, and visitors to College. Our services encompass property repairs and maintenance, waste management, grounds, landscaping, and management of our extensive energy, water and drainage systems. The team works to meet safety regulations across the estate and provides guidance to colleagues on safety matters. They also support specialist areas, including fire safety, heating, ventilation and sustainability issues..
They also lead in the management of our contracted services.
With a combined 100 years of experience at St John’s the team of 4 are passionate about our wonderful buildings and the preservation of our heritage.
The Maintenance team: Ian Jackson, Brian Hobson, Ted Tait, Harry Charville & Josh Goldsmith.
SJCR President and College Ambassador – Emily Martin
As part of the funding arrangements for the SJCR President post, Emily supports the Vice Principal’s Office with alumni and college life work for ten hours a week during term time. Emily is an invaluable link between the staff and the student community.
Resident Tutors
The Resident Tutors this year are Toby Donegan-Cross, Felipe Zarate, Magdalena Stanilova and Pei Jun Quek. They live in College and are the first port of call to deal with emergencies at night. They also run various projects and events as part of college life, from academic support sessions and language classes to outdoor treasure hunts and board game evenings.
Instagram: @johnstutors