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Register as a mentor 

The Hild Bede Career Mentor Scheme aims to draw upon our enormous body of alumni to act as mentors to current students, by matching based on similar career interests. Mentors commonly offer CV evaluations, share experiences (including mistakes!) of their road to success, give advice on interviews/assessment centres and answer questions about the best graduate schemes/companies to work for – straight from the horse's mouth! 

Whatever stage your career is in, we would love to use your expertise and link you with a current Hild Beder to provide some sound advice. Whether you work in finance, education, media, not-for-profit sector, public sector, research, or any alternative career path (the more diverse, the better for our students!) or have previously succeeded in landing an internship – we’d love to have you on board! 

Not only is it incredibly rewarding to be directly supporting a fellow Hild Beder's first step on the career ladder, but you may even discover that your mentee would be an ideal candidate for a placement/internship in your field of work. Don’t worry about it being an onerous time commitment: all contact is remote (usually via email/social networking), students usually contact their mentors only a couple of times per term, and you can decide how many mentees you can take under your wing! 

View our HB Career Mentor Student Guidebook to find out more about being a mentor.