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Principal's Blog - Michaelmas 10th Edition

It was the week in which Lateral Flow Testing came to South College. For days, I have thought of little else. For this historian, implementing the results of scientific research is a complete novelty. I have long been aware of - and often in awe of - the impact science has on our civilisation.
An image that reads: Protect yourself, protect others. Your actions, your university.

Principal's Blog - Michaelmas 9th Edition

I was pleased to be able to mark Armistice Day with a brief ceremony of Remembrance in the Plaza. First year student of music Charlotte Ward, our excellent trumpeter, played the Last Post and Reveille with great skill and sensitivity. It was good to be joined by so many friends and colleagues. I remain very grateful to Charlotte for suggesting that we mark the occasion in 1918 when the guns fell silent after four blood drenched years of conflict.
A close up picture of a poppy

Principal's Blog - Michaelmas 8th Edition

Friday did not bring the news that Joe Biden had reached the magic score of 270 votes in the Electoral College, but I left the office confident that he would soon be President Elect. Suffice it to say that I agree with Teiko Maas, the German Foreign Minister. "Decent losers are more important to the functioning of a democracy than brilliant winners".
A picture of The New York Times with the word

Principal's Blog - Michaelmas 7th Edition

The week did not start well. So, I shall start on Friday. Experts in nutrition would, I fear, take a dim view of buckets full of sugar and artificial colourings. Oswald certainly turned his nose up in his haughtiest manner. No matter. Having noted our beloved mascot’s preference for live rodents, Lee, Steven, Richard and I concluded that lurid buckets full of cheap sweets would be more popular than raw mice.
A picture of the cafe and bar with orange lights

Principal's Blog - Michaelmas 6th Edition

On Thursday, Oswald was overjoyed to preside over a socially distanced matriculation ceremony for livers out in the JCR. It was a joy to be able to welcome our livers out to South and to hear them pledging their oath of loyalty to our values and our wonderful wooden mascot. Subsequently, Steven spent a very diligent hour applying the coating of wood oil on which Oswald’s health and wellbeing depends.
A picture of Lee Worden oiling a wooden owl

Principal's Blog - Michaelmas 5th Edition

In the best tradition of Blitz Spirit, Southies demonstrated an inspiring capacity to keep smiling and making the very best of College life despite the growing challenge posed by the pandemic. As a majority of our households entered precautionary lockdown, we began to face the unintended consequences of a decision that was designed to enhance community cohesion.
A picture of a carved owl at a college formal

Principal's Blog - Michaelmas 4th Edition

It was a week of light and shade. Having decided to take advantage of autumnal sunlight to host a socially distanced tea party in the Plaza, I was enormously grateful to Lee and Steven for rushing to Tesco to acquire the necessary cakes and biscuits.
A group of students sitting in the grass having tea and cake

Principal's Blog - Michaelmas 3rd Edition

After months of preparation and anticipation, it was – despite the pandemic – a complete joy to welcome South College’s first freshers to their new home and community. The Pioneer Scholars worked with formidable energy, dedication and commitment to welcome the new arrivals and their parents.
A group of students banging posts and pans

Principal's Blog - Michaelmas 2nd Edition

It was the week in which we encountered the reality of life during a pandemic. Though we hope neither of them will prove to have Covid-19, two Pioneer Scholars reported symptoms - and I thank them sincerely for their diligence and candour. Self-isolation for a complete household ensued. Again, I thank those isolating for their patience, solidarity and excellent sense.
A picture of the Pitcairn Building in sunny weather

Principal's Blog - Michaelmas 1st Edition

Lee, Lynn, Steven and I had been in our offices for a week and tremendously well supported by our wonderful receptionists, Polly and Poppy and by Bill Close and the superb South College Porters and cleaners. It was a delight simply to be here and to meet such excellent new colleagues.
A picture of the grounds of South College from a height