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Alumni and Friends

Your relationship with Grey College doesn’t end when you graduate! We have an active alumni network, and host regular events for our alumni and are always pleased to hear from you.

We hope you have many happy memories of your time as a student member of Grey College. All our graduates remain lifelong members of this wonderful community as alumni. These webpages, alongside the work of the College Trust, will keep you informed of the many things happening at Grey College, both by and for our current students, and for you our alumni. As alumni there are many ways in which you can support and help the College. We are always happy to hear from you.
Stay connected
Students at graduation

Stay Connected

Even after you have completed your studies you will always be a part of Grey College. 



Stay in touch with Grey College

We love to hear from you!
Student using his laptop in a library

Donate to Grey College

Your generous donations make such a difference to the current students at Durham
A group of students at a waterfront location

Ways to get involved

Get involved by sharing your story, expertise, and connections
Three students chatting at a seminar

Upcoming events

Join us at an upcoming event - we'd love to see you!
A group of students outside having lunch with cathedral in the background

Submit an alumni profile

Let us know what you have been up to recently and tell current and prospective students your story
Two students walking past buildings on Palace Green
Two students crossing Kingsgate Bridge

A Lasting Legacy

Legacy gifts enable Durham to continue to grow in stature, providing the environment for its academic staff and future generations of students.

Find out more