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Student life after the War: A glimpse of Durham in the late 1940s 

Durham Cathedral in black and whiteDate: December 2023


The years following World War II marked a period of great change and renewal across Britain, with many young men and women seeking education and opportunity.

This historical account provided by alumna Mrs Marjorie Vale (General Arts, St Aidan’s College, 1946-50) provide a rare first-hand glimpse into daily student life at Durham during this bustling post-war period. She gives a personal account of her time at Durham including living arrangements, studies, and social gatherings to campus politics, relationships, and adjusting to academic life. Her account helps bring history to life - capturing both the challenges and triumphs of a generation seeking normalcy, purpose, and prosperity after years of warfare.

Though educational experiences today differ greatly from the late 1940s, Marjorie’s experience shows there are some long standing traditions that are still present today.

We would like to thank Marjorie for sharing her story with us. 

Read Marjorie's story

Marjorie Vale - Personal History of St Aidan's