The University Assurance Service will provide University Council, Audit Committee and the University Executive Committee (UEC) with independent assurance about the adequacy and effectiveness of risk management, control and governance and value for money (VfM). The Service forms part of the University Secretary's Office. As such, it is independent of the University's management and with direct links to University Council and the Audit Committee.
The Service goes beyond the traditional role of internal audit - which focuses on checking compliance and controls. The Service focuses on business processes rather than systems and a clear link to the organisation's strategy and goals. It seeks to provide managers and all stakeholders of the University with assurances that processes for managing risks faced by the University are adequate and operating effectively.
The work of the Service is overseen by the Audit Committee and is directed to meet the University's needs by the Committee and the Accountable Officer for the University, the Vice-Chancellor.
The University Assurance Service adopts recognised best practices where relevant and adheres to the international auditing standards, set out by the Institute of Internal Auditors. Governing bodies must ensure that they are fulfilling their responsibility for adequate and effective risk management, control and governance, and for the economy, efficiency and effectiveness (i.e. value for money (VFM)) of their institution's activities. The University's Audit Committee Terms of Reference can be found in the related link to the right of this page.
The University Assurance Service is responsible for conducting an objective and independent appraisal of all the University's activities, financial and otherwise. It should provide a service to the whole organisation, including Council and all levels of management.
The role and responsibilities of the University Assurance Service are set out in the University Assurance Service Terms of Reference.