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About Us

The Finance Service manages the University's financial business. We aim to support the University in achieving its strategic goals to be financially sustainable and responsible.

Our objectives are:

  • To provide high quality financial management, advice and support. 
  • To ensure financial compliance and accountability. 
  • To run effective and efficient services for financial transactions. 

The Finance Service promotes and supports effective financial management throughout the University. We work proactively to enable the University continuously to improve its financial performance and the value for money it offers to past and present students, customers and funders.

We are committed to delivering a high standard of service to all stakeholders, and aim to be approachable, helpful and reliable, providing prompt, accurate and pertinent information and advice.


DU Ethical Investment Policy (June 2020)

  • Insurance

    Our Insurance service maintains the University's portfolio of covers and provides support and advice to staff and students.
    Compass with the word insurance
  • Durham University Pension Scheme (DUPS)

    The Durham University Pension Scheme (DUPS) is offered to members of staff in Grades 1 to 5. If members of staff wish to take up membership of this pension scheme, they MUST OPT IN.
    Computer and mobile phone


Our Insurance service maintains the University's portfolio of covers and provides support and advice to staff and students.
Compass with the word insurance

Durham University Pension Scheme (DUPS)

The Durham University Pension Scheme (DUPS) is offered to members of staff in Grades 1 to 5. If members of staff wish to take up membership of this pension scheme, they MUST OPT IN.
Computer and mobile phone