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Platinum hedgehog friendly award July

Durham University have been awarded the Hedgehog Friendly Campus platinum award!

Thank you to the Greenspace, Biodiversity, Botanic Gardens and Grounds Maintenance teams who worked consistently to achieve this award. Thank you to the staff and students who volunteered their time to support us in collecting data across campus and making small but significant changes to their own gardens to support wildlife. And thank you to all of the My Greenspace app users who logged their actions. All of this helps us support wildlife across campus.

This award is just one of the many ways in which the University are supporting and promoting biodiversity across campus. To date, we have:

• converted 9 hectares of grassland to annually mown wildflower meadow
• made 40% of our campus more accessible for wildlife
• delivered engagement sessions with 131 local primary school children

To find out more about how we plan to further support biodiversity or to get involved, follow us on Instagram and Facebook, subscribe to our SharePoint site or visit our website.

And don't forget to sign up to the My Greenspace app so you can log your actions, earn points and win monthly prizes for yourself and your department or college!