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Paginated News Category Listing

Spotlight on... Durham Arctic Society

Durham Arctic Society are a student-led organisation dedicated to the promotion of interdisciplinary undergraduate engagement in arctic studies and research with a focus on climate change and sustainability.
Spotlight on... Durham Arctic Society

Professor Carlene Firmin gets the Green Light

Professor Carlene Firmin, MBE, delivered her inaugural lecture in style with over 2500 participants registering to watch online.
Professor Carlene Firmin

Durham is a Creating Impact finalist in Green Gown Awards 2024

We have been shortlisted as a finalist for the Creating Impact category award in this year's UK & Ireland Green Gown Awards for our project entitled 93 to 19 – The Odorbac Initiative. Lisa Blundell, Senior Housekeeping, Cleaning and General Services Manager in our Accommodation and Commercial Services, explains more about the project and how it supports our sustainability strategy.

Vice-Chancellor contributes to two leading sector reports

The strategic leadership insights of our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Karen O’Brien, have opened two recent key higher education sector reports, published by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI).
Our Vice-Chancellor Karen O'Brien with a background of books

Blue Plaque - Professor Dame Rosemary Cramp

On Friday 4th October 2024 a blue plaque was unveiled at 12, Church Street, Durham to recognise Professor Dame Rosemary Cramp.
Rosemary Cramp Blue Plaque

IHRR Co-Director, Professor David Toll, awarded prestigious prize by Institution of Civil Engineers

[10/24] Professor David Toll has been awarded the Telford Premium Prize from the Institution of Civil Engineers for his co-authored paper “Heritage building information modelling: a case study of Kasthamandap, Nepal”.
Left: Saptabidhanottar, puja and prayer ceremony held to reanimate the site once post-earthquake work had been completed in December 2016. Right: Award being presented to Professor Toll (left) and Henry Paremain (right) by ICE president Professor Anusha Shah (centre)

Aaron Baker

Aaron Baker was an internationally recognised scholar specialising in the area of employment law.
Aaron Baker news banner

EAUC Conference Sept 24

Members of the Energy and Sustainability team met with counterparts from other UK universities and colleges at the EAUC Community of Transport conference at the University of Nottingham.
EAUC Conference Sept 24

S&C Heads South for the Winter

Our very own Strength and Conditioning Coach Jon Boyle ventured down south earlier this month, to support the Women's GB Squad in their preparation for Portugal.
S&C Coach and team

Want to win a £30 M&S voucher? Complete our survey!

So far, our My Greenspace users have collectively saved 4,337 kg of food from going to waste, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve valuable resources.

We have a new Director for MA Intercultural Communication and Education

We’re delighted to welcome Dr Will Lo as the new Director for our Intercultural Communication and Education (ICE) programme who also serves as the Deputy Director of Research in the School.
A man smiling at the camera

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 24 - 26 Jan 2025 - sign up now!

The RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch is the world’s largest garden wildlife survey. Every year, hundreds of thousands of nature lovers take part, helping to build a picture of how garden birds are faring. 
RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2025