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The Racecourse Rugby Scholarship is for talented and ambitious young sportsmen and women from lower-income households who want to combine Rugby as a University level sport with further education at Durham University.  Applicants must have played Rugby to a high standard with regional or national experience preferred.

This scholarship is available for applicants planning to commence their undergraduate studies at Durham and who are able to demonstrate exceptional potential in their chosen sport.

The Racecourse scholarship is worth £5,000 per academic year, for the full term of the student's degree: up to four years of an undergraduate course.

This scholarship has been gifted by a University rugby club alumni who wants to provide the same opportunity they were afforded, as well as offering informal mentorship throughout the scholar's time at the University.   It is hoped the scholarship will create opportunities for talented individuals from diverse, low-income backgrounds and encourage scholars to make the most of the rugby sacademic and extra-curricular programmes on offer at Durham University.

Amount £5,000 per year for a maximum of 4 years
Year of Entry Applicants for programmes commencing in 2025/26
Number of awards available One
Level of study Undergraduate
Mode of study Full-time
Programmes All undergraduate programmes
Duration a maximum of 4 years


Applicants must have a household income below £42,875 based on an assessment carried out by Student Finance.

Please submit your assessment letter as soon as you can to

Successful applicants will be able to demonstrate an exceptional level of potential and excellence in Rugby.

Applicants should also be able to demonstrate participation in sporting events at a regional or national level.

Not sure if you're eligible? Contact us for advice.

How to apply

  1. Apply for a course

    Submit an academic application to Durham University before the UCAS deadline.

    Apply to UCAS
  2. Complete a scholarship application

    Submit an online scholarship application form by 30 April 2025, and provide:

    A Personal Statement explaining why you should be awarded a Racecourse Rugby Scholarship  to include a description of sporting ability. This is part of the online application form

    A YouTube link to a video approximately 2 minutes in length in which you should explain:

    • What difference the Racecourse Rugby Scholarship would make to you
    • How you would use this scholarship to progress your career aspirations, particularly in the area of Leadership


    Scholarship application deadline


    30 April 2025


    When applicants will be notified of the outcome:


    End May 2025


  3. Selection process

    All eligible applications will be considered by a panel of colleagues with expertise in the field of Sport.


Durham University makes every effort to ensure that the information published or contained on its website is accurate. However, the University cannot guarantee the information may not subsequently be altered owing to circumstances beyond the University's reasonable control. Such circumstances include (but are not limited to) changes in Government policy or change of law. Whilst any changes will be incorporated into the University's website any person wishing to clarify the details of a particular scholarship/s should contact the University at


Get in touch

If you have any questions about whether you are eligible for a scholarship or the application process, get in touch with our Scholarships and Student Funding Office:

Scholarships and Student Funding Office

Durham University

Palatine Centre

Stockton Road



Telephone: 0191 3348997